
Desk calendar printing

Printing desk calendars seems to be something that was done a lot in the past. But make no mistake: at NPN Drukkers we still regularly print desk calendars for various customers. Despite the fact that people often keep their agenda digitally, a desk calendar is still indispensable at most workplaces. You can see at a glance what week it is, or what date Wednesday is in a fortnight, for example.

If you are still looking for a nice business gift, you should definitely consider a desk calendar. This is used by many people, so your brand is prominently displayed to your customers and relations. At NPN Drukkers we will make sure that the printed matter will look great.

Create desk calendar at NPN Drukkers

The nice thing about a desk calendar is that it is almost always in view. A desk calendar is made to quickly read a specific date or week number. It is therefore important that your desk calendar looks good. And we at NPN Drukkers are very good at that.

At NPN Drukkers you are not stuck to a standard size, shape or dimension. Do you have a creative and out of the box idea? Then we will make sure that this idea comes to life. We will adjust paper type, binding method and printing to your wishes and, if necessary, involve our lithographer in the process. Our lithographer is a specialist in converting digital to printed images: a job that requires a lot of attention but is skipped by many printers. 

Create your own desk calendar?

Producing your own desk calendar is a clever and relatively inexpensive marketing tool: with a one-off publication, you have exposure for a whole year. That's why we at NPN Drukkers often print desk calendars at the end of the year. They are ideal end-of-year gifts for clients, business contacts and employees. 

The power of NPN Drukkers

- Passion for print

- Fair price

- Personal is really personal with us

- FSC certified

- Content knowledge

- Specialists on staff, including a lithographer and DTP staff

- Flawless handling and processing

- Stock control and print delivery

Sustainable printing: FSC® certified

Responsible and sustainable entrepreneurship is alive and well at NPN Drukkers. In the graphics world, Forest Stewardship Council (FSC) ensures responsible management of forests. This relates to the economic, ecological and social functions that forests fulfil. The wood that is processed in the production of paper with the FSC label is guaranteed to originate from FSC-certified forests. NPN Drukkers contributes to responsible forest management by using FSC paper wherever possible. In that case we are also authorised to include the FSC logo in the layout.

Lithographer edited image 2

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