Time & Tide wait for no man Siebe Swart

Time and tide wait for no man

The book 'Time and tide wait for no man' is a collection of beautiful panoramas and vistas, photographed by Siebe Swart. He travelled along the Dutch coast and was inspired by the emptiness and space he found there. He captured this beautifully in a series of images. Ebb and flow, sunrise and sunset, everything passes in review. It was our honour to print this beautiful book. Together with the designer Els Kerremans and the binder Vincent Roffel, we worked hard to achieve a beautiful end result.

A challenging production

We prefer to work on unique products, together with people who, like us, want to make beautiful things. This also brings challenges that we almost always find solutions for. Time and tide wait for no man is one of them.

It was quite a puzzle for designer Els to get all the photos, which did not all have the same dimensions, in a logical order in the book: "Siebes' work is characterised by a clear horizon in the images. It is important that this is shown well in a book like this. Otherwise it will be distracting. In addition, there must be sufficient variety in the various pages. As an element of surprise, a beautiful deep blue colour has been added. You might not expect that from Siebe's photography and for me it makes this book extra special.

View Time & Tide book
Time & Tide outsiders

Pretty impressive!

The binding process was not a standard one either. Vincent Roffel of Agia took care of the graphic finishing of the book. "Unique to this book are the fold-outs. These are pages that you can fold out, which in this case show beautiful panoramic photos. This fits in perfectly with Siebe's photography. The widest fold-out is over a metre wide. Pretty impressive!" These fold-outs ensure that the binding process has to be extra precise. "They thicken the book considerably and it is not uncommon for the pages to not line up perfectly. It was a tough job to make everything come out right. But it worked!"

Time & Tide wieringen armhole

Committed cooperation

Siebe, Els and Vincent and ourselves were very involved in this production. This creates a pleasant and smooth cooperation. Together, each from his own point of view, we achieve the best result. Siebe was to be found at the printing press, but also took a look in the bindery. Els and Siebe have been friends for years and Els was involved in this book very early in the process.

This is not the first time that Els has worked with us:
"If I am given the freedom to choose a printing company for my projects, I choose NPN Drukkers. We know each other well by now and I get along well with them. I can always stand at the press and I am sure that a product will turn out well. I often think of something and then consult with NPN Drukkers to see if it's possible. They like to think along and if something doesn't work out, they always come up with a suitable solution. I'm very careful with them!

Vincent has also become a familiar face to us. Together, we have already brought several productions to a successful conclusion. In this production, Vincent was mainly in contact with 'our' Sandra, he says:

"The contact with Sandra was very nice. She was involved in the project and also saw the challenges. We made tests, sparred and made dummies.
I have worked together with NPN Drukkers before. Despite the distance we regularly work together, because they - just like us - realise more unusual productions. They want to make really beautiful things, and so do we. I am very happy that NPN has joined us."

Time & Tide outsiders
Time & Tide unfolded
Time & Tide Uithuizerwad Tidal marsh evening
Printed matter is stacked on a vibrating table

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