This classic grid type is used by the vast majority of printing companies for the production of full-colour printed matter. With AM (Amplitude Modulation) grid, the distance between the centres of the points remains the same and the size of the point varies. In this type of grid, these points, which vary in size, are tightly arranged on imaginary lines. The more [...]
Usually one thinks in the standard binding techniques i.e. stapled poached, sewn or threadless poached and sewn bound with all its variations. But there are also many other techniques such as japanese bonding, japanese knot, cahier stitch, singer stitch, glued back. Possibilities to apply over and in accordance with the desired execution.
A graphic designer who specializes in designing books. NPN is specialized in supervising book productions and therefore works a lot together with book designers.
A luxury calendar with stand to put down on a desk. Usually produced with one leaf per month, in which a calendar is combined with an image or a marketing statement.
You know, the old school exercise books of the past...' Today, this technique has developed into a binding method that gives an extra dimension to the appearance of your product. Technique: a three-point connection in the back of a brochure by means of yarn. The total length of the stitch is available in 3 sizes, namely [...].
Printing knowledge is more than just knowing how paper should be optimally printed. At NPN, we are in charge of all the sub-processes which we monitor closely, thus creating a controlled and predictable end result. The production of printed matter is part of this.
The extent to which the printed matter produced complies with the standards applied within the industry. In addition, it is at least as important that printed matter also meets the expectations of a customer. It is therefore important to properly guide and inform the customer before and during the production process.
Solid cardboard box, where the closure is formed by "blind" concealed magnets.
Way of printing at NPN, in which a photo or illustration is made up of black and one pms colour. A duotone effect or duplex image consists of two colors; a basic color that lies in the background of the image and determines the characteristic color of the image and a second color (in all cases, the darkest of [...]).
FM grid stands for Frequency Modulation grid (also called stochastic grid). Both names indicate the absence of patterns in the placement of the grid points, or the total arbitrariness in the arrangement of the points in a plane. With FM grid, the size of the grid point does not change, but the number of grid points randomly placed varies by [...].
Printing expressions used by fashion companies for the promotion of their products. These are characterized by the many pictures. Reproduction of colours is very important.
Is similar to art book productions. Photo books often use duotone or tritone lithography.
A graphic designer takes care of the graphic design of printed matter such as brochures, posters, packaging and book covers, digital products such as websites, and designs for use in various media, such as a logo or house style. When a graphic designer carries out another person's design, he or she is also called a graphic designer. Graphic designers often work for [...]
Glue the spine of stitched book blocks with lightly pigmented, transparent or coloured hotmelt. With this method, very surprising results can be achieved! For example, by making text visible that is printed in parts on the backs of the sections, then transparent glue or lightly pigmented glue, or the back of a [...], is used to glue the text.
Also called sewn binding. The cover consists of a solid cardboard material, usually around 2.2 mm thick, but is thinner and thicker to order. Around this material, laminated paper, non-laminated bookbinding paper such as wibalin, and linen or a combination of these are used. The cover usually protrudes around 3 mm over the interior, but [...]
A crystal grid is a grid point that is used in high-quality and moiré-sensitive printed matter (e.g. in the reproduction of curtains
Printed matter with a major technical/technical challenge. These expressions require early and intensive coordination between all parties involved. In this way, the end result is technically feasible, predictable and produced as efficiently as possible, which does as much justice as possible to the purpose for which it was designed and the ideas with which it was designed.
A calendar is a system for dividing time into periods, such as years, months, weeks and days. In this general sense, calendar is synonymous with timing. The representation of a calendar, in the form of a table or otherwise, is also called a calendar. ...A printed calendar can have many forms of expression and at the same time [...]
To be able to produce art books in a nice way, a lot of expertise is needed. Think of material knowledge of paper in combination with the properties of the chosen material. The optimal lithography for the chosen paper types. Advising on the many different binding techniques and the corresponding use of materials. Think of linen types, leather, band papers, reading ribbons, capital ties. […]
Hardcover books with a linen binding have a luxurious look. At Npn, you can choose between a full, half or three-quarter linen strap.
Luxury packaging in any desired technique, size or design. Ask especially for the Cantobox; unique because of the extremely sharp angular lines. Box/lid combinations, hinge boxes, game boxes, boxes with magnetic closure, box with flap. The applications are versatile! Examples are perfumery boxes, game boxes, promotional packaging, sample collection presentations, the possibilities are almost endless. We also design a [...] with each packaging.
In this phase of the production process, photos, slides, texts and drawings in one or more colours are optimised and prepared for printing at NPN in relation to the paper to be used. We can also scan and edit photos and slides.
The NPN lithograph transforms a designer's design into a ready-to-use material for printing. A printing proof is made of the design so that the designer can check whether his design as a printed matter is of the right quality. NPN then uses this proof to see if its printed matter has any of the [...]
Printed matter that serves as documentation for the collections of museums. And art books for larger exhibitions.
English name for magazine, monthly or weekly. It is a periodical publication that consists of a collection of articles for each episode. Traditionally, a magazine is printed on paper that matches the content. For example, a glossy is the name for a type of magazine with a shiny, glossy (glossy) layout. A lot of pictures are used [...]
Printed matter intended for marketing purposes, such as mail cards, leaflets, brochures and catalogues.
Printed matter used by pharmaceutical companies for their marketing purposes. This print is surrounded by regulations. In particular, the specific procedures involved in approving the files for this printed matter mean that the term 'pharmadvure' can be mentioned as a separate category.
Collection of paper types and manufactures made by a paper mill or supplied to customers by a wholesaler.
Paper products that all differ in structure, thickness, surface area, size, shade and/or colour.
Be aware of the different types of paper on the market and be familiar with the way in which they need to be processed to achieve the best printing and binding results.
Printed colour proofs with often a selection of images that are made after the lithography phase on a printing press (preferably on the later used press for the printing order). This to check the colors in combination with the chosen paper.
A stochastic grid is a grid of points of one size distributed in different densities.
This stitch, similar to that of a hem in a pair of jeans (but made with heavy sewing machines), is often used in designs where the creative person is combining to his heart's content with papers, transparencies, linen, artificial leather or whatever... The singer stitch can be used through the back of a brochure, or through the flat. From 5mm off the [...]
A softcover is a book with a flexible cover. This cover is usually made of sulphate cardboard. However, other options are also possible. A soft cover is either glued or sewn.
Adding a register to a book or brochure where the chapters are marked with protruding (or recessed) tabs on the front or top.