
Tabstocking: how do you make printed matter with tabs?

I regularly come into contact with productions that can be very special due to a finishing process. Even exciting. Today, I would like to highlight the issue of tab punching. Many designers and marketing staff are unfamiliar with this.

During the expert meeting at the Monster Room on 4 October, where I discussed the best kept book Ville de Calais, I briefly showed some of the possibilities of tabstocking. In the light of the reactions I would like to go into this subject in more detail.

Tabs in folders, who doesn't know them? But you can also put them in books, catalogues, brochures, magazines, etc. This makes it easier to find headings and chapters. They come in all kinds of shapes and sizes, of which the following are the most commonly used die-cuts. From left to right these are the staircase register, thumb register and angle register.

Stan techniques 1

Next to that some pictures of a book that we have NPN Drukkersrecently printed and in which a corner register has been added. You can immediately see the added value that can be generated by punching.

Combi photo book with coloured tabs page 25
punching blog lying book 1
But how does that work?

We produce the printed matter as usual, but apply certain characters to the interior. This way, the puncher knows where to stamp away parts of the pages in the end. These characters are placed in the layout by the designer on the basis of our instructions.

The book, catalogue or magazine is then bound in the chosen way. So far nothing, except for the placed signs, differs from a normal production.

And then, the punching:

Depending on the number of pages, hardcover or softcover, the number of tabs to be applied, the number of pages to be stamped, and which form, the books are stamped with a robot or semi-automatically. The placed characters are of course stamped out.

Before production actually starts, we send pictures of the first copy and wait for approval before the entire print run is stamped.

The great advantage and added value of punching is that you get a very accessible product that is not commonplace. A product with which you can stand out and distinguish yourself from your competitors.

And it's not very price-increasing in proportion, so it's definitely worth considering!

More information? Please contact me, Chris, via [email protected] or call 06-50878309.

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